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Causes and Solutions of Pain in the Pit of the Heart

by corevalue01 2022. 11. 28.

Everyone experiences abdominal pain at some point in their life. Sometimes the cause is obvious, such as abdominal pain or too much sit-up in the gym, and the symptoms disappear within a day or two. However, sometimes the cause of abdominal pain is not clear, so it can be quite disturbing. There are several clues when determining the cause of this abdominal pain, and one of these clues is location. If abdominal pain is in a specific area of the stomach or abdomen, other causes can be excluded and the cause can be narrowed. This article explains in detail the reason and symptoms of pain in the so-called "Myungchi," which corresponds to the upper abdomen of the stomach.


What is a pain in the pit of the stomach?


The upper part of the abdomen below the thorax is called the pit of the stomach. The pancreas, small intestine, stomach, and part of the liver are located near this location. Pain or discomfort under the ribs in this part of the upper abdomen is called "pain in the pit of the stomach." In addition to pain, other symptoms such as heartburn, abdominal bloating, and excessive gas can also appear.


Causes of pain in the stomach


In general, pituitary pain occurs due to the body organ located in the upper abdomen.


1. Pancreatitis
The pancreas produces hormones, including enzymes that help the body digest food and insulin, which helps control blood sugar levels. This enzyme leaves the pancreas and is activated in the small intestine. Enzymes activated in the pancreas can cause inflammation, medically known as pancreatitis. Other symptoms include burning abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, gastric edema, and tenderness around the stomach. If the pain under the pit of the stomach persists, there is a possibility that it is a problem in the pancreas.


2. gallstones
The gallbladder is a small pear-shaped organ under the right liver of the abdomen. The gallbladder stores bile released into the small intestine when eating food and breaks down the fat in the food consumed. If the bile component is not balanced, gallstones are formed and trapped at the entrance of the gallbladder, severe pain to the right side of the stomach can occur. Failure to treat or recognize gallstone disease can lead to symptoms and fever that cause yellow eyes and skin, known as jaundice. If gallstones move to the pancreas, pancreatic inflammation may occur.


3. Digestive ulcer or gastric ulcer
This is an ulcer that occurs in the stomach wall and is known as a gastric or peptic ulcer. An ulcer is caused by an imbalance in digestive fluid in the stomach and small intestine. In addition to causing pain on the left side of the stomach, there may be other symptoms such as indigestion, heartburn, nausea, vomiting and rectal bleeding.


4. Gastritis
Stimulation of the stomach wall and inflammation are called gastritis. Excessive alcohol consumption, chronic vomiting, stress or drug use, including aspirin or anti-inflammatory drugs, can cause gastritis. When you press the stomach, you feel pain, and additional symptoms include bloating, vomiting, nausea, indigestion, and lack of appetite.


5. Gastric reflux esophagitis
When gastric acid refluxes from the stomach into the esophagus, it is called gastric acid reflux. This acid stimulates the lining of the esophagus, causing pain in the stomach. Other signs include burning after meals, which tend to get worse at night. There is also chest pain, difficulty swallowing, and food reflux.


Risk factors

Since there are many organs in the pit of the stomach, it may be difficult to identify the cause of the pit of the stomach. In particular, many diseases are unique to the same symptoms. Major risk factors that cause stomach pain include a history of peptic ulcers, consumption of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, including aspirin, excessive drinking, and overeating. Occasionally, symptoms may radiate, so the pain experienced may be in other parts of the abdomen. If you suddenly feel severe abdominal pain or tearing pain, you should see a doctor immediately.



